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Almost every project will have some HTML code that should be on every page – usually at minimum something in the header and something at the end of the body. Since there is no browser-native way to do this without repetition or an awkward source code structure, Vanilla Plus JS provides a preprocessor command to import raw HTML source code into your document. Furthermore, it provides a very simple stack if you need to make some modifications based on context.

Templates are stored in the src/partials directory and they are referenced relative to that directory. So, for example, if you have a template at src/partials/head/standard.html, then it is imported using

<!--[TEMPLATE: ["/head/standard.html"]]-->

If you want to use the stack, you pass variables using a json object:

<!--[TEMPLATE: ["/head/standard.html", {"title": "Try it Now"}]]-->

And access them as follows:

<title><!--[STACK: ["retrieve", "title"]]--></title>